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What are the 3 most common food intolerances?

Although up to 20% of the population claims to suffer from some of the most well-known food allergies, the reality is that only half of them suffer from them.
Although many individuals claim to have food allergies, the reality is that it is not usually common. If a group of individuals were asked in a survey how many know or think they know that they suffer from a food allergy, approximately 20% of them would affirm it. And yet half of them would be wrong.

Is celery considered a superfood?

The taste of celery is unmistakable. Its crispy tender stems will not go unnoticed in the salad, no matter how many ingredients it includes. And it is precisely the essential oil responsible for that flavor, which gives it most of its salutary properties.
Properties and benefits of celery
This vegetable can be found by different names: panul, common celery, garden celery, aquatic celery, pore celery, wild celery.

What depletes zinc from the body?

Zinc is an important trace mineral that we need to stay healthy, but did you know that one in 3 people can suffer from zinc deficiency without realizing it? Read on to find out the signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency and what you can do to prevent or reverse zinc deficiency.
The importance of zinc
Zinc is an important trace mineral that is responsible for a number of different functions in our body and helps stimulate the activity of 100 different enzymes. This element is the second iron, due to its concentration in the body.

What are the best complex carbs to eat to lose weight?

Nutritionists agree that carbohydrates are the most important source of energy. Known as "sugars" or "saccharides", these have the characteristic of being related to the sweet taste.
Although they are essential for the functioning of the body, their excess can do more harm than good, especially when the carbohydrates we choose are not adequate. Why are carbohydrates worth it and which ones are the most beneficial for our health? Get to know them below.
What are carbohydrates?

Does purple cabbage taste different than green cabbage?

Both white (green) cabbage and purple (red) cabbage have great health benefits, both of which are high in water, fiber, vitamins A and C, and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. The juice purple cabbage contains great benefits and properties not to be missed.
What are the differences between white and purple cabbage?

Are strawberries bad for IBS?

If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), abdominal pain, cramps or gas will be annoying symptoms that will not allow you to lead a calm daily life, for this you must add foods that help you avoid the effects that these may cause. You should know that the food we eat can influence this ailment for better or for worse. Read on to find out which foods can help you for good in alleviating your irritable bowel symptoms.
10 foods for irritable bowel syndrome

Do green juices really work?

One of the main advantages of green juices is that it allows you to consume green leafy vegetables along with other fruits and ingredients that are not always present in the diet, but are essential.
Fruits and vegetables are plant foods. Plant foods can basically be mixed, except that the texture of the juice can be different, this means that the flavor of your combination has a special flavor.

What happens when you stop eating sugar for a month?

There has been a lot of talk about sugar in health forums about whether or not it's good for you. The sugar itself is not bad. It is an ingredient that occurs naturally in many foods, including fruits. However, that is very different from adding excessively to your daily dietary intake. That is simply not necessary. In fact, you will find that a lot of positive things happen when you decide to kick the sugar habit.
What happens to your body when you stop eating sugar?


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