Shaanxi Aitelong Technology Co., Ltd
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AITELONG is a team consisted of conscientious and inspirational staff members. It serves as the premium solution-provider of diversified testing instruments covering fiber optic communication systems and battery management which favors clients’ acquisition and accomplishment of relevant projects profitably.
Everything Aitelong do oriented to clients’ requirement. The holistic mission and explicit implementation lie in solving your problems and extending your business. Whatever you need, just tell us and all the technical details and procedural chores would be handled timely and appropriately on your behalf.
AITELONG test equipment is used by technical and non-technical staff in all phases of fiber optic and battery power manufacture, installation and maintenance.
Typical applications are to verify, test, certify and repair fiber optic systems in telecom, datacom, defense and automotive applications.
Typical applications are to test and maintenance battery power in telecom, data center, manufacturing, defense, and automotive applications.
Floor 9-10 of Block A, National Digital Publishing Base, 996 TianGu Qi Road,XHTZ, Xi'an,Shaanxi, China (710043)