Yoga and Surfing
Below I will only give the names of asanas and their necessary effect. How to properly build asanas, entry and exit is the topic of more than one article, and it is better to learn this in regular yoga classes.
So, the first block of important asanas:
BHUJANGASANA or cobra pose. It all starts with it. You lie down on the board and paddle through the surf, to the place where the waves are rising. At first, it is better to pass oncoming waves with a strong back arch. But even more important is a big arch at the moment of takeoff (starting from a rising wave), where you need to make several powerful strokes. The asana strengthens the back muscles, arms, and develops flexibility of the spine. This asana is well complemented by shalabhasana, sarpasana, dhanurasana, urdhva mukha svanasana.
CHATURANGA DANDASANA , the staff pose. Also necessary for a confident takeoff. Strengthens the muscles of the trunk, triceps, back, tones the abdominal organs, arms, legs, upper and lower respiratory tract.
ADHO MUKHA SHVANASANA , downward facing dog pose. Strengthens the wrists, arms and shoulders, ankles, stretches the back muscles and the back of the legs. In addition, this pose relieves pain in the lumbar region after surfing and helps to recover.
Since surfing is a fairly active sport, asanas are very good to practice with dynamic ligaments. From the first block of asanas, the famous vinyasa ""downward facing dog - chaturanga - upward facing dog - downward facing dog"" emerges, which is so famous in Ashtanga yoga. Vinyasa will quickly strengthen your body, warm you up well before a surf session, and also help in a quick takeoff on a wave.
The next block of asanas is important for strengthening the legs, balance and flexibility.
VIRABHADRASANA 2 , warrior pose 2. Strengthens the muscles of the legs, back and abdomen. Restores joint mobility, trains endurance and coordination. The asana itself is very similar to what a surfer looks like on a board.
Trikonasana and Parivrita Trikonasana can also be included here.
UTHITTA PARSHVOKONASANA, Extended Side Angle Pose. The pose is essential for strengthening the legs, knees, ankles, stretching the spine, stretching the intercostal muscles, opening the chest and increasing the lung capacity. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of injury to these areas during an unsuccessful session. Moving the arm away from the leg counteracts the movement when you forcefully push the body forward while paddling into the wave.
UTKATASANA , energy pose. Strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs and back, and also stimulates the diaphragm and heart, increases flexibility in the ankles and shoulders, and straightens the back. The pose is good for working all the muscles that are used when you paddle to the lineup.
PASHCIMOTTANASANA , seated forward bend. The asana is necessary for stretching the back of the body, from head to heels. It is useful both before and after skating, as it involves the whole body, simultaneously warming it up and relieving tension.
NAVASANA , boat pose. Strengthens the abs, stretches the back muscles. In addition to the fact that this pose significantly strengthens overall endurance, it deepens breathing and increases concentration, relieves lower back pain. And this is so important for a surfer!
Don't forget about asanas for deep twisting of the spine, such as Marichasana C, and deep backbends, up to Urdhva Dhanurasana. The ocean can suck you into a wave and twist your body in different directions with great force.
It is imperative to include an asana for balance. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is a good choice.
All these asanas and methods are in the first series of Ashtanga yoga: dynamic connections, concentration of attention (drishti), even breathing, relaxation, and the necessary set of asanas - just take it, practice and be ready to catch the waves.
Surfing and yoga go well together, and therefore almost all surfing schools offer yoga lessons.