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Which type of yoga is right for you?

Submitted by simonsmith on Thu, 09/19/2024 - 21:10

Yoga has been a confident leader in polarity among various types of physical activity for many years, sometimes even beating the gym . Today, a huge number of classes have been created in the areas of this Indian teaching. Kundalini yoga, hatha yoga, aqua yoga and fly yoga, yoga 23 - just a short list of offers that fitness centers and yoga studios offer. What is the reason for such popularity of yoga and which direction to choose? Let's try to figure it out below in the article.

<b>Sports for big city dwellers</b>
Yoga is incredibly popular among residents of megalopolises and large cities, and this is not surprising. Classes are very relevant for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, work sitting in an office and live in a cramped apartment. Traveling mainly by car takes away our invaluable time of physical activity during a walk to or from work, riding a bike.

As a result of all this, the muscles become atonic, and stagnation and dystrophic processes begin to be observed in the spine. The cardiovascular system suffers no less, being completely unprepared for physical and psychological stress. And, as is well known, stress is the source of all diseases.

Yoga is the best way to deal with stress
Another good reason to choose yoga is its effective fight against stress. Yoga helps a person become more balanced and stress-resistant, find harmony between body and soul. Someone will say that stress is good for the body, it activates potential, gives rejuvenation and hardens, yes, it is true. However, long-term and prolonged stress acts on the contrary, very destructively, depletes the body's resources, preventing it from recovering after each subsequent blow. Stress is not only a conflict at work, "burning" deadlines or lack of money, it is also constant dissatisfaction with oneself, lack of sleep, disrupted activity and rest regime, poor nutrition and a number of other factors. This is why city dwellers are often constantly in chronic nervous tension, which they do not throw off for years.

Stress affects all organ systems, breathing is impaired, vascular spasms and neuralgia occur, and digestive problems begin. It is no longer so easy to relieve old and established stress; a warm bath and a couple of days off do not save the aggravated condition. And then yoga comes to the rescue. The teaching includes various relaxation techniques and breathing practices that help to shed the shackles of chronic tension, stress and emotional depression. Classes usually end with complete relaxation at the end of the class, called shavasana or "dead man's pose." Regular yoga classes help to get rid of old stresses that we have been carrying for years and become more flexible and resistant to new difficulties, because without them, life in a big city is impossible to imagine.

<b>Yoga is far from easy!</b>
Many people mistakenly believe that yoga is a simple and ineffective exercise that lacks dynamics, which means it is easier to do. In fact, an hour-long workout in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga23 and other styles is far from being for weaklings and it is quite difficult to do all the exercises, you will have to sweat and activate your strength and endurance. Holding asanas for a long time is not an easy task, remember at least the well-known plank on outstretched arms or elbows, for many it is difficult to hold even more than 30 seconds, and advanced yogis can hold the plank for 3-5 minutes or more. Such a specific direction as Bikram Yoga or "hot yoga" also require special preparation and the absence of contraindications. That is why yoga is no less effective than visiting strength training in terms of developing strength, endurance, and quickly losing excess weight.

<b>Yoga for Beginners</b>
One of the most popular and widespread among beginners is the Hatha Yoga direction, which allows you to smoothly study asanas and perform easier versions of poses for those who cannot yet cope with complex elements. You need to hold the asana while maintaining even and calm breathing, relaxing your mind, this looks like tension without tension, this is when the asana brings benefits and stress resistance in everyday life. If you find it difficult, your breathing is ragged, intense, or you hold it, overexert yourself, then you should perform a light pose of the asana and not rush, because such zeal will further immerse your body in stress, and not relieve it. Your body must remember that after any tension comes relaxation, and so in life.