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Development of Global GNSS Jamming and Navigation Warfare Technology

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) jamming technology has developed rapidly in recent years in the military of various countries. jamming devices, from basic low-cost jammers to advanced electronic warfare systems, are widely used in warfare to interfere with the navigation and communications of the enemy. This article explores the achievements of major powers in the field of GNSS jamming, especially the key systems of Russia, Turkey and the United States.

  Basic Jammers and Applications by Non-State Actors

  The application of GNSS jammers is not limited to the military of major powers. Low-cost jammers are also widely used by non-state actors. The principle of these devices is simple: by emitting radio frequency noise or using the same frequency as GNSS, the jammer can prevent the receiver from receiving legitimate satellite signals. Such devices are not only used to block navigation, but also used by drivers and others to avoid location tracking. Their low price and simple operation make these devices the first choice for various low-tech combat parties.

  R-330Zh Zhitel and Russia's GNSS Jamming Network

  At the higher end of the jamming field, Russia's R-330Zh Zhitel system is another classic GNSS jammer. Zhitel can jam GNSS and cell phone communications simultaneously, covering all GNSS frequencies, and can even block satellite and cell phone communications in the 100 MHz to 2000 MHz band. Pole-21E is another Russian GNSS jammer that forms a wide-ranging jamming network by installing jammers on cell phone towers. Such a network can effectively protect strategic infrastructure from precision-guided weapons, especially on the Russian-Ukrainian front, where the widespread use of Pole-21E has repeatedly hampered Ukrainian drone operations.

  Tobol and GPS disruption in Europe

  Russia's Tobol system is one of the most powerful systems currently used to jam GNSS, with coverage as far as Europe. The deployment of this system has caused GNSS disruptions in Scandinavia, the Baltics, and even Eastern Europe. Despite Ukraine's repeated precision strikes against the Tobol system in Russia, the system continues to play its strategic role. Its wide coverage makes it difficult for drones and precision-guided weapons to penetrate Russia's electronic warfare defenses.