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Trove: that stellar gems would be in the uncommon slot

Submitted by albionmall on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 17:48

You guys do realize what all of you wish for? If there will be u10, they will lower rarity drops in u8 and u9 (and probably in lower ubers as well because like who needs newbies right?). And no, they will never add such thing as empowered gem boxes that gives u fragments, because it would completly ruin their vision of timegated emp gems. They rather give you boxes that loot stellars at uncommon rate, and with filled karma bar it would loot 2 star stellar always (just like Moxxi said).

Trove: the best ally for a physical damage class is a magical damage one

Submitted by albionmall on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 21:16

I couldn't finish it I'm sorry. I like the revenant but not enough to need a full breakdown of how to use him. I don't know what it is with me and the bulky looking classes. For some reason with both the rev and CB they give me a weird feeling and make me not want to play them. They're not bad it's just me being weird. That being said I still like the SH even if it's mostly point and click.

Trove: the 2 gem boxes for 5k PR are a different reward from the 2.5k reward

Submitted by albionmall on Fri, 11/11/2016 - 19:49

Did you look through the entire list of your rewards? The 2 gem boxes for 5k PR are a different reward from the 2.5k reward, even though they are the same item, so they'll show as a separate entry in the list. If you look at the items in your screenshot, the Enemies defeated rewards are not all grouped together, so the other Knight rewards might have been in a different spot in the list.

Trove: what's causing the burn out

Submitted by albionmall on Mon, 11/07/2016 - 16:49

But what's causing the burn out? My issue isn't with saying that the game is at fault so much as faulting people like myself for playing it too much or too hard. There's no deadline to get to mastery X or to level X. That is entirely on the player. Anyone can easily play this 50% of the time building and being creative and another 50% leveling. There's nothing stopping anyone from doing that.

Trove: mixed biomes and underground secrets

Submitted by albionmall on Wed, 11/02/2016 - 21:57

I can't wait to see how this is dealt with. Making the gameplay a bit more interesting would definitely increase the income of new players, and impress veterans as well. Will it only be upgrading attacks, or is the combat going to be diversified more? Things like combos or added effects (nudge nudge)?

Everything seems exciting. From ability customizing to mixed biomes and underground secrets.

Albion Online: EoS is outnumber and even in a fight that was lost

Submitted by albionmall on Sun, 10/09/2016 - 18:59

I'm not a PvP god by any stretch but I do know a lot about tactics and control. After running with EoS for a few runs now I have to give them credit on the TS discipline and tactics as a whole. Some might gripe about the numbers and of course that always helps. But it goes a little deeper then that. When you have comm discipline and coordinated efforts by a sound leadership it makes all the difference.

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