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Trove: the best ally for a physical damage class is a magical damage one

Submitted by albionmall on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 21:16

I couldn't finish it I'm sorry. I like the revenant but not enough to need a full breakdown of how to use him. I don't know what it is with me and the bulky looking classes. For some reason with both the rev and CB they give me a weird feeling and make me not want to play them. They're not bad it's just me being weird. That being said I still like the SH even if it's mostly point and click.

I honestly doubt many people will find reading a 2.2k word essay on a game characters mechanics rather enthralling. I find a big part of playing a class is also how they look and if they want to Buy Trove Flux just as much as how they play out. For me I just put on the Super Magical costume and pretend I'm Ladybeard. So no problem at all if it is not for you, just trying to spread some love to less played classes.

Do you know how hard it is to convince people that the best ally for a physical damage class is a magical damage one? Incredibly hard. It destroys everything you are taught while playing so most try to believe otherwise.

Now if we did have a Physical damage Chronomancer it could cause a lot of balance issues. The largest one is rather obvious being Boomeranger (not for the reasons you think; it is super bad but looks amazing). Most Magic classes do not have a whole lot of uses for cooldown reduction meanwhile physical damage does. Just with this Rev build switching from one damage type to another you go from 1518.02% to 1662.59% dps. It doesn't seem fair but think of the damages.

Since it came out it became my main.And also im trying a different kind of a build,one which involves maxing the damage output of the spirit spears.Im going for maximum hp as much as possible and crit dmg and crit chance,im currently at 1.7 mil hp and around 40% crit chance and 550% crit dmg and i still have a few levels left to lvl up on my stellar gems.

I never could come to like Spirit Spears after the nerf. The amount it hurts you is fine but the amount of damage is pitiful. Assuming you are channelling Spirit Spears we can directly compare it to Chronomancer Aegis (not counting DoT). x=((4*y)/125) where X is Physical Damage and Y is health you can find how much you need of each stat to deal same dps as the other. For your case of 1.7mil you need 54.4k Physical Damage for Aegis to deal the same dps through the Trove Flux for sale. You can deal more by spamming 1 but at the same time I also ignored the DoT on Aegis as well as the passive so it evens out (it goes down to 35.2k with all that added in). When they hit it they hit it hard. All that said, good on you for trying something different and putting the work in.

The second part is very true. If you plan to spam Aegis you either need to learn to control the timing or rebind M2 to mousewheel. There is also the problem of oversampling with the ability (good video on what that is here). You can get around this by forcing tons of clicks to happen at once or by using the click and hold method (also in the video). I just prefer the mousewheel option as my mouse has a frictionless wheel installed. Please don't destroy your mouse trying to get high dps.