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Online Exam Software - Conduct Exam

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Via online testing services, all procedures involved inside a paper-based assessment are digitized. At undergraduate courses, student learning appraisal and entry-level applicant selection can be performed online.

Online Exam Software streamlines the handling of applications through application online forms, online exam payment gateway, SMS/email notifications, e-hall passes, support for online payment and more.

It allows the filling, processing and submission of applications at any time and from any place.

With the Online Exam Program test material control, planning becomes fast. It offers pre-examination services such as classification and registration of institutions.

The result management functionality of Online Exam Software enables auto-grading and instantaneous result generation. The amount of effort required to aggregate ratings, build a rating list and submit e-score cards will be decreased dramatically.

Quick Written Examination and Digital Assessment Tool are two of the most common test delivery solutions provided by Online Exam Apps. All of these approaches help ensure safe processing and assessment of examinations.

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