Chillers are noise-producing equipment in a building and become more prominent when multiple chillers are installed. Installing effective noise control measures has become the order of the day, especially with specific guidelines and a very thin boundary existing between commercial & residential areas in some locations. Special care has to be taken for effective noise control depending on the installation site, ambient & surrounding conditions, without compromising the efficiency.
Climaveneta India offers low-noise version chillers to meet the required noise requirement level – be it Air Cooled or Water Cooled chillers.
Air Cooled Chiller Acoustic Solution
Fan and compressors, the moving parts, are the prominent noise-making items in chillers. The fan and air moving through the condenser coil also make noise. As fan blades cut through the air, they generate noise.
Compressors are also a source of noise generation. The compressor humming noise is caused by pulsating vibration, radiated as sound. We typically get tonal noise at the Mid and high-speed operations. To mitigate this issue Climaveneta provides an acoustic enclosure for the compressor to reduce the noise level. Due to the barrier, the compressor noise will be reduced by 4-5 dbA. Sometimes even higher.
Climaveneta has designed and manufactured solutions for reducing the noise level of condenser fans. These are basically low-pressure drop acoustic silencers that will easily provide access to the fans for maintenance purposes.
Overall noise level reduction with compressor sound attenuator and condenser fan attenuation will be 8 dbA approx.
Providing VFD fans is another way of reducing noise levels during nighttime running/low ambient/noise-sensitive applications. Noise level reduction, during part loads, will be 3-4 dbA approx. There have been instances where the compressor – evaporator section is provided with acoustically lined panels. However, this might affect the air intake resulting in increased power consumption.
Water Cooled Chiller Acoustic Solution
For Water Cooled chillers, acoustic panels are provided with a structural framework with access for water piping connection, cable entries and operate the control panel. Noise level reduction is 8 dbA approx. In case of any maintenance issue, the panels will have to be dismantled for easier access.
While the above methodology is implemented in fewer installations, a more common method is to provide acoustic insulation in the plant room. This will also reduce the structural reverberations.
In most of the installations, water-cooled chillers are installed at the basement level to make use of the space, easier maintenance and reduce noise levels