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How To Get Your Website Listed In The Search Engines

Submitted by seopix on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 01:53

You've just spent several weeks working with a your web designer building your company's websites. You spent a lot of time making revisions, writing and creating copy, making more revisions, but finally your project is complete and your website is live on the internet for the whole world to see. A few weeks later you get a call from a business colleague, they say they went to look for your company in a search engine but your company was no where to be found, and they thought ...

web design, seo, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, website promotion

Your Online Business Can Grow With SEO

Submitted by seopix on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 01:49

Selling and marketing a product or service in today's realm does not only reserve itself to actual store presence and sales. In these days, setting up an online storefront is an innovative add-on to and actual store presence, and probably less expensive and more valuable than ever, as more and more people get relaxed shopping online

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Can You Survive Google's Jagger Update?

Submitted by seopix on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 01:45

Google recently carried out a major update on its ranking algorithm, dubbed "Jagger" by the SEO community. Many webmasters have been left scratching their heads, wondering why their websites are no longer appearing for search terms they previously ranked well for and gained traffic from. So what can you do in the aftermath of "Jagger", and how can you safeguard yourself from future updates?
First, a little bit of history. What is a Google algorithm update?
Google, lik...


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