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Keywords & Search Engine Optimization

Submitted by seopix on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 01:58

This article serves as a starting point on how to use keywords for search engine optimization for your site.

keywords, search keywords, keyword research, keyword density, top keyword

Article Body:
Internet users know that the online world is growing and expanding on a daily basis. Many entrepreneurs are using their web sites to make money. Online business is thriving, Internet buying and selling is more popular than ever, and everyone is cashing in. But to make money from your web site, and make your Internet dreams a success, you must have customers.
Sounds simple enough, right? As easy as it sounds, there's more to it than that. The Internet is a thriving, fast-paced, high-tech world where everything has to be bigger and better than what came before. Thousands upon thousands of web sites are out there, many of them probably very much like yours. How do you make your web site stand out above the competition? How do you make sure that customers come to your site first, buy from you?
Search engines. Everyone who has used the Internet has used a search engine at one time or another. The process is quite simple and usually quick. You know you're looking for heated socks. So, you go to the search engine of your choice and type in "heated socks." Voila! Web sites that sell heated socks.
So, what do you do? You click on the very first web site that's on the list that the search engine returns. That's what everyone does! The web sites that appear on page thirteen of the listing aren't going to get any visitors. Obviously, you want your site to appear right up there near the top of the list.
And that's where search engine optimization comes in. Search engines look, primarily at one thing: keywords. Choosing good keywords for your site is incredibly important, because keywords are what your potential visitors are going to use to find you. First, you have to decide what keywords you're going to display on your site, what keywords you think visitors will use to find your site.

What sort of site is it? Are you running funny a site with lots of political jokes? You'll want keywords like "politics" "Washington, D.C." "Funny" "humor," etc. Choosing good keywords is very important. You want simple, straightforward keywords. Some words are very commonly misspelled – include the common misspellings if your keywords are easy to misspell. Simplify your keywords as much as possible, include as many as you can, and you've taken your first steps to search engine optimization.
But, even that isn't enough. Knowing that your keywords are "computers, Internet, and mouse pads" is great, but you still need to do more. Those keywords, all the keywords that you want connected to your site, have to appear on the site. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Well, it is pretty simple, but you have to know what search engines are looking for. Search engines are very, very smart, and look for very specific things.
Your keywords must appear within content on the site. You can't just repeat the same keywords over and over "computers, Internet, mouse pads. Computers, the Internet, mousepads." Search engines will discount your site, because they'll know what you're trying to do, and you won't get a high listing. To get a high listing, you have to have lots of content. Here's the secret: it doesn't have to be great content. As a matter of fact, most Internet users don't read the text of web site that carefully in the first place. Just have lots of contents on the site, with your specific keywords repeated 4-6 times on the page, and you'll have optimized your keywords.
Search engine optimization isn't hard, as long as you know how search engines work. By using good keywords, you can get the most out of your site and out of search engines.
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