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Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Apollo Greams Road, Chennai

The right orthopedic surgeon needs to be chosen because both treatment and recovery depend on it." Apollo Hospital on Greams Road, Chennai is one of the top leading medical centers for all kinds of medical treatment. It is very much known for its typical services, particularly for orthopedics. In this article we will explain why Apollo Hospital is the right choice for an orthopedic center and some of the great surgeons linked with the institution.

Why Apollo Hospital, Greams Road?
1. World-class Infrastructure
The latest medical technology in Apollo Hospital will help in the establishment of the right diagnosis and thus effective treatment for orthopedic conditions. There are advanced imaging services, minimally invasive surgeries, and rehabilitation services as well.

2. Medical Professionals:
Many surgeons are experienced and well versed in the most modern techniques and treatments, and together with the supporting facilities, the Orthopaedic department in Apollo Hospital is a superb team.

3. Comprehensive Care:
Apollo Hospital does not stop at consultation and diagnosis, treatment, and post-operative care; it protects and provides any necessary support to the patient.

4. International Standardization
Apollo Hospital stands with the best standard in healthcare facilities, and medical care is provided with high quality. The following are the certifications of the hospital through different national and international healthcare accreditation agencies done.

5. Patient-Centric
There is a deep belief in the hospital that for responsiveness to individual needs and preferences, it is essential to maintain a patient-centered attitude, especially in regard to personal care and better outcomes in relation to the treatment given.

Common Orthopedic Procedures at Apollo Hospital

With the vast facilities at Apollo Hospital to attend to the ever-increasing number of treatments in the field of orthopedics, it means overall holistic health care for various conditions. Some common treatments include:

Reconstructive surgeries, minimally invasive knee, hip, and shoulder replacements.
Arthroscopic Surgery: Used for the diagnosis and treatment of problems located in the joint, especially the knee and shoulder. Spine Surgery: Conditions it takes care of include herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis. Pediatric Orthopedics: This involves the treatment for children with congenital and developmental disorders.

Treatment and Fracture Management: Immediate and appropriate treatment of fractures, as well as other traumatic injuries.

Sports Medicine: The health care profession related to the treatment of sports-related injuries and assisting athletes in recovery to a successful return to activity.

How to book an appointment It is very easy to book an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon of Apollo Hospital. You just make a tour of the official website of Apollo Hospital or contact their customer support service for further assistance. The hospital does have a facility in the Internet for booking an appointment. Contact Information You can even log on to the website of Apollo Hospital for more specific details or to book an appointment.

Apollo Hospital, Greams Road: An apex destination because of state-of-the-art technology facilities, an expert team of healthcare professionals, and integrated patient care. International standards of patient care are followed at Apollo Hospital. Among the many skilled best orthopedics surgeons at Apollo, there is Dr. S. Venkatesh, Dr. A. B. Govindaraj, Dr. M. Rajasekaran, and Dr. V. Senthil Kumar, who have shown outstanding qualities of extraordinary care toward their patients.