Shubh Alloys
Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:
<strong>Supplier types</strong>:Manufacturer/Trade company/Personal
<strong>Supplier </strong><strong>Address</strong>: 11, Rele Building, 2nd Carpenter Street, Ground Floor, Office No. 2, Mumbai - 400 004
<strong>Telephone number</strong>:(+) 2266595165
<strong>Mobile number</strong>:(+) 9833133917
<strong>Supplier description</strong>: Shubh Alloys is one of the leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Ferrous & Non-ferrous metal products for various industrial segments. One the prime products of Shubh Alloys are pipes, tubes, sheets, plates, bars, fasteners. Visit to know about wide range of product details
<strong>Buyers, Please let us know,you get the info from ,you can get a Special Discounts.</strong>