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A <a href="">flammability test</a> is a process used to determine the ability of a material to ignite and sustain combustion under specific conditions. This test is crucial for assessing the fire safety of various materials, products, and substances to ensure they meet safety standards and regulations. The test measures the flammability characteristics of the material, including its ignition resistance, flame spread rate, and smoke production. A <a href="">vertical flammability tester</a>, also known as a vertical flame test chamber or vertical fire test apparatus, is a specialized instrument used to determine the flammability characteristics of materials, particularly textiles and fabrics. The test is designed to assess the material's resistance to ignition and its ability to self-extinguish when exposed to a vertical flame source. This type of test is essential for evaluating the fire safety properties of materials used in various applications, such as clothing, upholstery, drapes, and other interior furnishings. If you want to know more about this lab testing instrument like <a href="">flammability tester price</a>, features or technical specifications, then you can simply give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your needs and queries.