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aylwardgame's blog

What To Look For When Purchasing An Investment Property In Brisbane

Making the decision purchasing an investment property, particularly an investment property in Brisbane will be one of the most important purchases you will make.
Whilst purchasing and owning an investment property can be a very rewarding experience, there are key items to consider when you make the decision to start your investment journey:
Location, Location, Location
Consider the location of the property

IELTS One Skill Retake A Potential Game Changer for Many Visa Applicants to Australia

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) has developed a method known as One Skill Retake. Once implemented, if someone who sat for an IELTS test and failed to get the desired scores in one of the IELTS modules, he/she will have the opportunity to retake a test for that particular module instead of taking the whole test. (Visa Applicants)
More information will be available by the IELTS soon, so keep an eye on this page for more details.

Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common – what is the difference

Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common is a widely misunderstood concept and is often confusing to buyers when they are deciding on which of these options best suits their needs.
Understanding the difference between Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common is extremely important considering the legal implications that can arise with either option.
Let’s look at the differences…

Don’t Just Guess Your Legal Position – Free Legal Advice Brisbane

Most people know a little bit about a lot of subjects, but when it comes to areas of the law unless you’re a fully trained and experienced lawyer for Legal Advice, you’re not going to be an expert when it comes to various aspects of the law.
If you find yourself needing legal advice, then why even attempt to guess where you stand in a certain situation? Sure, you could look for answers on the internet, but you won’t be certain the advice you’re reading is accurate.

Everything you need to know about Vendor finance

What is vendor finance?
Imagine you want to buy a property or business. But you don’t have enough funding for that. Alongside this, traditional loan providers like banks have a low demand to invest in these projects. On top of that, you want to avoid hustling yourself with all those lengthy bank formalities. Now is the highest time you want to do vendor finance!

Do I Need a Conveyancing Solicitor To Buy or Sell Property?

Just about all of us have a pretty good understanding of the roles real estate agents play in the process of exchanging properties from seller to buyer. The job of the agent is fairly obvious in many respects because they are working on the front line and very visible, but when it comes to property conveyancing, the role the conveyance lawyer plays is not as apparent.
Just because the process of conveyancing

Should You Use a DIY Will Kit or Hire An Attorney?

DIY will kits are becoming increasingly more popular and many are available for purchase online. Having a will is important on many levels, particularly if you have a sizeable estate, and even people with not much in the way of material possessions and money should still have some sort of will.
Do Your Own Will? Hire an Attorney?

Key Points To Consider Before Franchising Your Business

Franchising, when done right, can be one of the best ways to expand your business. In fact, you can even build a business empire with the franchising method. You only need to look at places like McDonald’s as a prime example of a mega-successful franchise.
That being said, not every type of business is suitable for franchising. So if you’re considering franchising your business, here are a few key points to look at first.
Can Your Business Be Cloned?


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