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No Further Stay Waiver Request Is This For Me?

Does your visa have a “No Further Stay” condition attached to it, and if so, what does it actually mean? Below we attempt to clarify this and how it is dealt with:
No further stay
There are many temporary visa holders in Australia who have got their visa conditioned as “no further stay.” The conditions include 8503, 8534, and 8535. This means unless there are specificcircumstances such as protection visa consideration, the holder upon expiry of his/her visa must leave Australia and will not able to apply for another visa.

No Further Stay Waiver Request Is This For Me?

Does your visa have a “No Further Stay” condition attached to it, and if so, what does it actually mean? Below we attempt to clarify this and how it is dealt with:
No further stay
There are many temporary visa holders in Australia who have got their visa conditioned as “no further stay.” The conditions include 8503, 8534, and 8535. This means unless there are specificcircumstances such as protection visa consideration, the holder upon expiry of his/her visa must leave Australia and will not able to apply for another visa.

Professional Reputation and the Google Review What if the Review is False or Defamatory?

This article aims to analyze the recent decision of the Federal Court of Australia in Musicki v Google LCC [2021] FCA 1393 in which the Court ordered that Google LCC give discovery to the Prospective Applicant of all documents that are or have been in the Google LLC’s possession. (defamatory)
Who is who?

Mental Illness in the Workplace

Did you know that one in five (5) Australian adults experience some form of mental illness every year? This serious illness has increased over the past 5 years, which now have seen around 45% of Australians aged between sixteen (16) and eight-five (85) experiencing a mental illness at some point in their life. As we all know, unfortunately, mental illness or any form of illness doesn’t just stop at home. You live majority of your life at work and thus wherever you go your illness may shadow.

Minority Oppression in the context of Corporations Act (Cth) What constitutes oppressive conduct?

This article briefly examines the circumstances wherein the conduct of a majority shareholder or a director of a company can be considered oppressive and when it may not. The list is not meant to be exhaustive as every case turns on its own facts.
Where is the starting point?


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