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What is the best time to do a Goechala trek?

Goechala trek is one of the best treks in India. If you are an adventure lover, then you must go at atleast once. It is a high-altitude Himalayan trek that offers a beautiful panorama of Mt. Kanchenjunga and other summits covered with snow.
Captivating the most scenic beauty around the country, you must go on this adventurous trip with your friends and family. Every time you visit Goechala, you will see completely different colours of the place.
There are two main seasons to do Goechala Trek, and you must choose your plan in the best time to do Goechala Trek and get the most beautiful memories from the trip.

  • Spring Season: It is the best time to witness beautiful flowers, and the trail is covered with wild rhododendrons that make the complete area colourful. The temperature here is quite soothing, and you can enjoy the vibrant colours and beautiful birds on this trek.
  • Autumn or early winters: It is more like a black and white season as you will witness snowfall and the weather is really cold. If you are a snow lover, you should definitely check out Goechala in the winter. The temperature here is below 0 degrees celsius, but it is totally worth it as you can get the best chilling vibes at this location and admire and enjoy snowfall.

Judging among these two seasons is quite difficult as you need to choose the way you want to look at Goechala. So it is you to choose among the beautiful flowers or snowfall and accordingly decide the season. But if possible try to make it in both the seasons in your life as it is the best in both the seasons just with different flavours and colours for you to cherish.