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What are the things you should know before getting Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular alternative to braces since it aligns and straightens teeth without creating discomfort. It is a clear, plastic orthodontic appliance that does not interfere with your self-esteem. The Best Dentist in Kolkata prescribes Invisalign because it is practically invisible and effective at straightening teeth without making you feel uncomfortable. However, before deciding on this course of treatment, here's an overview of everything you should know about Invisalign.

  • Customized: The Invisalign aligner is built to fit your teeth to address orthodontic difficulties. You will be given a series of custom aligners to wear during the duration of treatment to straighten your teeth. Each aligner is worn for two weeks before being replaced with a new one.
  • You must be consistent in wearing your Invisalign aligners: You must follow a regimen if you want to get the most out of Invisalign. Invisalign should be worn for around 22 hours every day. You must take them off when eating or drinking. 
  • You must maintain your smile after Invisalign treatment: You must clean your aligners to avoid discolouration and bacteria buildup. Brush gently your aligner trays at least twice a day. Use clear anti-bacterial soap and rinse them in lukewarm water.
  • It will take some time to get used to it: It will take you a week or two to become accustomed to moving your teeth using Invisalign. When you first start wearing aligners, your mouth may start to water a lot. Your teeth may feel a little loose throughout the treatment as they move to straighten. Your saliva production will return to normal as your mouth adjusts to the presence of your aligners. All of these difficulties are transient and will pass in a matter of days.

Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic provides the best and most economical Invisalign treatments to help you achieve a stunning smile. Contact TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic today to schedule an appointment with the best dentists.