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Submitted by iodigital on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 08:37

Open Access BPO’s business continuity planning strategies have ensured our operational resilience, enabling us to provide seamless 24/7 outsourcing solutions during the pandemic.
The drastic changes brought by COVID-19 inadvertently highlighted the cracks in many company’s disaster preparedness strategies. A study by human resource consulting firm Mercer says that over half of businesses worldwide weren’t even ready to face the pandemic.
COVID-19 caused serious impacts on vital business operations, including production, workforce, and sales.
For multilingual call center Open Access BPO Services, facing the pandemic and all its restrictions meant implementing its business continuity plans (BCP) to shift gears and adapt to the ensuing changes brought by the pandemic.

Business Continuity Planning is Mission Critical
Disruptions may strike at any time and may be caused by one or more of the following:
• massive technical issues
• third-party service outages
• workforce productivity concerns
• data security threats
• natural calamities
The resulting damage from disruptions can be extensive and costly. This is one of the most compelling reasons to outsource to a business process outsourcing (BPO) company.

Continuous Service Delivery with Open Access BPO
It’s important to keep in mind that BCP is precautionary by nature. The goal is to thwart risks before they become full-blown threats. As such, Open Access BPO’s strategies focus on:
• preventing various kinds of disruptions from occurring;
• mitigating the damaging effects of those disruptions;
• effectively executing preparedness plans;
• continuously evaluating progress and adjust to unforeseen events; and
• restoring any disrupted or reduced parts of the operations.
Our holistic approach to business continuity and disaster recovery helped use produce out a comprehensive BCP strategy that’s flexible to accommodate different scenarios. It can easily be updated as our teams regularly monitor its effectiveness to ensure seamless service delivery.
Due to the infectious nature of COVID-19, Open Access BPO immediately enforced measures to protect our workforce. We highly encouraged our employees to work from home. Various teams collaborated to provide them with the technical necessities and support.
Another essential key to our BCP is our constant collaborations with our clients. Even before the imposed quarantine, our teams have been coordinating with our clients to properly establish productivity guidelines and other requirements.
Data security is also a vital part of every BCP strategy, especially with our employees working remotely. We’ll explore Open Access BPO’s technology deployment- and the information security-related steps on our next blog post.