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Manchester United two Chi Chuan buy fifa 16 coins into a tramp home

Tang Dynasty poet Du Pu had "The autumn winds have broken hut song" In the famous poem in so wrote: Andhra ten million, a large shelter Scholars all smile. Today, two former Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville staged a real scene.
According to the British BBC reported that the two Manchester United Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville 92 squad members recently bought a securities trading center fifa 16 coins, and is ready to transform it into a building the hotel, after their consent, in a hotel before the renovation is completed, here become those camped, shelter the homeless.
   It is reported that, Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville has spent 1.5 million pounds to buy this the Securities Trading Center, the future hope to transform it to include 35 bedrooms, a gym and open-air restaurant of luxury hotels.