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The Incredible Connection Between Grassfed Beef and Healthy Living

Grassfed beef has been found to be one of the most beneficial sources of protein available. Studies have shown that grassfed beef is leaner than grain-finished beef, and it contains higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), antioxidants, vitamins A and E. Plus, grassfed meat tastes better!
The beef that you buy at the grocery store is not healthy. It's filled with hormones and antibiotics, and it has been fed a diet of corn which alters the taste and texture. Grassfed beef is different in many ways:

  • It doesn't contain any hormones or antibiotics because it isn't given to them to survive on an unnatural diet of corn
  • Grassfed beef tastes better than grain finished beef, so when we eat grassfed steak we are eating something delicious instead of bland food
  • Grassfed beef has been proven to have a higher amount of omega-three fatty acids which help with brain development as well as increased amounts of vitamin E and beta carotene
  • The grassfed steaks that we eat are good for us because they contain the nutrients needed to stay healthy.
  • It is important to know that while grass finished beef sounds like a step in the right direction it actually isn't because grain feeding leads to an increase in omegas six fatty acids which lead to inflammation throughout the body
  • Grass fed steaks are different than conventional steak because they come with many health benefits such as increased amounts of omega-three fatty acid levels which decrease the risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.
  • The nutrients found in grassfed beef are beneficial to the body because they help with weight management and improve heart health.
  • It is important that we consider how eating healthy foods can benefit us and help us lose or maintain a healthier weight which leads to better overall well-being.
  • Grass fed beef helps those who enjoy meat but also care about their own personal wellbeing, as well as the environment around them, feel confident knowing they are doing everything possible on both accounts by sourcing grass fed steaks from local farms where cattle roam free and eat natural feed such as hay, corn stalks, apples, acorns, etc.
  • Remember that grass fed beef is the only type of meat we should eat, as it is naturally lean and contains many vitamins such as A, B-complex (thiamin), C, D, and E. Grasses also contain minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium which help with healthy bones.

Grass-finished cows provide an incredible amount of nutrition for us humans, and there are many benefits of eating these animals that go beyond the food they give us. Not only does this meat have a better fatty acid profile than grain fed cattle, but it also has significantly higher levels of Omega 3s (a whopping 5 times as much). "If you're concerned about your health, one of the best ways to begin is by changing what you eat. Eating more grassfed beef can help improve your physical and mental well-being." Though it may seem hard at first, eating a healthier diet will only lead to better living for yourself and those around you. A simple way to start incorporating more healthy food into your life might be through adding any number of delicious grassfed products.