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How does Laser Teeth Whitening help you to achieve a perfect smile?

Nowadays, Laser teeth whitening is the most effective way of brightening teeth and is only available with the Best Dentist in Kolkata. The teeth whitening dentist employs non-invasive techniques to assist in the creation of a flawless smile. There are numerous causes of tooth discolouration, and laser teeth whitening treatment is helpful in such circumstances. 
What is Laser Teeth Whitening?
Laser teeth whitening is a laser dentistry process that combines in-office teeth whitening using a laser. The treatment is carried out in a dental clinic. The process employs a bleaching gel activated by the laser, allowing patients to leave the office with the desired results. 
The procedure of Laser Teeth Whitening:

  • Pre-treatment: The dentist cleans the teeth and treats and fills any cavities that may exist.
  • Whitening: The dentist will apply a plastic or rubber guard to keep your mouth open during this procedure. Following that, the dentist will place a barrier over your gums to shield them from the whitening solution. The dentist will use a syringe to administer a whitening substance to the front of your teeth once your gums have been thoroughly protected. Then the dentist will activate the chemical using a pen-style laser, causing it to froth somewhat as it takes the stains away.
  • If required, repeat: After whitening the teeth, the dentist let the compound sit on the teeth for a few minutes. The chemical is removed using a small suction tool, and the process can be repeated up to four times. The dentist will rinse your mouth and remove the protective covering that has formed over your gums.

If you want to whiten your teeth, contact TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic to schedule a consultation with the best dentists. During your visit, they will answer any questions you may have and offer experienced advice on how to achieve all of your smiling goals.