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Grass Fed Meat: The Preferred Choice for Healthy, Flavorful Meals

For those who are looking for the tastiest, most nutritious meat that will leave them feeling full and satisfied at the end of their meal, grass fed beef is an excellent choice. Grass fed beef comes from cows that have been raised on a diet of fresh green grass rather than grains or corn. This leads to healthier cows with more flavorful meat which provides you with all sorts of benefits! In this blog post we will explore some of these benefits so you can find out why it's worth switching to grass fed meats for your next meal.

Benefits of Grass Fed Beef

  • The meat is leaner than grain fed beef. This makes it a healthier, yet still delicious option!
  • It's full of omega fatty acids which help decrease inflammation in the body and are essential for healthy brain development.
  • You can feel good about what you're eating knowing that your meal was ethically sourced without any antibiotics or hormones used to make the cattle grow faster.
  • There's less cholesterol when consuming grass fed beef because they don't have so many saturated fats from their diet (grain based diets).
  • It's lower in fat and higher in protein.
  • The meat has a more subtle flavor profile, which is better for certain dishes like pork chops or roast.

Grassfed beef is leaner than grain fed beef, making it healthier while still being delicious! It contains omega fatty acids that help with inflammation and are essential to healthy brain development. You can feel good about the ethically sourced meal you're eating if your meat was raised without any antibiotics or hormones used to make them grow faster. There's less cholesterol when consuming grass fed as they don't have the grains in their diet.
Grassfed meat, beef and pork are higher in Omega-saturated fats than grain fed animals because of the lack of omega-saturated fat from grasses. Grassfed animal fat is also more delicate with a finer flavor profile that complements specific dishes such as lean chops or roast pork. Grain feed cattle tend to be fattier due to their high carbohydrate intake which can lead to unfavorable levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). By choosing food raised on pasture without any antibiotics or growth hormones you can help reduce your risk for bacterial infection as well as cancerous compounds found in meats processed using these chemicals.
There's less chance of developing heart disease when consuming grass fed products thanks to its high levels of Omega-Three fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid. Grass fed beef, in particular, also contains a higher ratio of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is believed to help reduce body fat and risk for type II diabetes. CLA can also have other benefits including anti-cancerous properties and improved immune function with regular intake.

We've talked about the benefits of grassfed steak and meat, but it bears repeating. Grass-fed beef is a naturally leaner and less fatty cut that contains more omega 3s than its grain-fed counterpart. The taste? It's like butter! If you haven't tried this delicious flavor yet, head over to your nearest grocery store or butcher for some fresh cuts today. You won't regret it!