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Four Tips To take care of a Cleansing & Maintenance of Sex Dolls & Maintenance

Submitted by aldollsale on Fri, 09/23/2022 - 00:55

Everybody knows that purchasing the mini sex doll is a budget, and it isn't an affordable commodity. Once a customer has purchased an sex doll, they will need to invest time to maintain it for the long term to extend their lifespan. Cleaning your sex doll regularly and well-maintained is essential to maintain an authentic sex doll. To ensure hygiene and longevity of your new love-to-have doll, you can follow these suggestions. ESDOLL editor has created the following tips to help you.

1. The skin of this life-like dolls is made to be smooth and delicate, therefore don't place it in close proximity to the flame or in come into contact with objects that are sharp so that it doesn't cause scratches or alter the appearance. The melt point for TPE can be low that can melt and cause deformation.

2. Avoid contact with dyed and dark products like ink, to prevent staining. Also, colorful clothes are included. It is best to stick to white on all of your items.

3. While the full-size flat chested sex doll can alter any shape by swinging it however, the amount of bend should not surpass the body's angle and the force must not be too strong, to avoid pulling off the body of the doll. Also, a form is not able to be maintained for longer than a week, to avoid indentation due to uneven force.

4. If you are moving the doll with love, make sure you do not take the limbs or the head of the doll. That is, do it unilaterally. Try to assume the shape that of an embrace, or princess to help the body of the doll in order to move it.