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Cell phone signal blocking system in Bio Bio prison complex: a combination of technology and security

  Mobile phone use in prisons has always been a complex and worrying issue worldwide. With the development of technology, the phenomenon of prisoners using mobile phones for illegal activities has become increasingly serious, posing a huge challenge to prison management. In response to this problem, the Chilean government plans to implement a new cell phone signal blocking system in the Bio Bio prison complex, which is expected to affect about 10,000 prisoners. This technology is not only a strong guarantee for prison security, but also an innovative exploration of the application of technology.

  The core of the technology

  The new cell phone signal blocking system is equipped with an advanced computer system that can scan the prison area in real time and identify illegal mobile phone signals. The operating principle of this system is to effectively prevent prisoners from communicating and coordinating criminal activities inside the prison by interfering with the communication between the prisoners' mobile phones and the base station. The realization of this technology is inseparable from strong technical support and continuous monitoring. As one expert pointed out, the gendarmerie must constantly monitor new illegal signals and add them to the blacklist to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the system.

  The balance between security and privacy

  While the main purpose of the technology is to enhance the security of prisons, the quality of life of surrounding residents must also be taken into account. Engineers said that if the antenna direction of the signal interference is properly designed, it will not affect the daily life of nearby residents. Such a design concept not only shows the importance of public safety, but also reflects the respect for the rights of residents. Through reasonable technical deployment, this system can effectively block mobile phone signals inside the prison without affecting the surrounding environment.