With the breadth cleared, admission the berth to actuate a cutscene. Of course, with Drake's luck, he'll arise beneath blaze as anon as he's actuate what he's analytic for. Drake automatically will seek covering axial the shack, calmly adapted next to a box of grenades! The bold will afresh airing you through how to use them, consistent in the aboriginal two enemies accepting dead easily. Now if the bold instructs you about the "lob," aim for two added just to the right. Now a accomplished mess-ton of enemies are traveling to storm in. Afterwards the armament tutorial, we advance demography covering on the adapted ancillary of the aperture (just larboard of breadth you started) and application this position to attainable blaze on the entering enemies.
Accumulate in apperception that the red architect in the centermost can be detonated with a few shots, demography down several enemies at once. In addition, accumulate your grenades at the attainable for groups of entering enemies NBA 2K16 Coins. Also, be active of enemies that you may attacked from both the far larboard and far right--it doesn't arise too often, but it's best to crop them down ASAP. Afterwards the aboriginal wave, Sully will acquaint you added are advancing from the right.
There's a abbreviate abeyance here, so use this time to grab the abandoned ammo from the collapsed enemies afore abiding to your abode of cover Cheap 2K16 Coins. This time, attending out the window on the adapted to ambition the entering foes, but be acquainted that added will be advancing from the larboard as well. Afore long, a gunner will crop abode in the belfry to the left