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Set Out on an Expedition: The Daring Voyages of a Surveyor

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Rose, a native of São Paulo, Brazil, was nurtured on the enchanting shores of this remarkable state, and her journey into the world of exploration began as soon as she could navigate the wonders of travel independently. Initially funded by hard-earned savings, Rose traversed the diverse landscapes of Brazil, later journeying through South America, North America, and Europe. Despite residing outside of Brazil for over three decades, her passion for travel has not only endured but flourished.

Currently calling the UK home, Rose and her husband have chosen to make this vibrant country their permanent residence. This decision has opened doors to extensive travel experiences within the UK and Europe. Commencing as a duo on a modest budget, their travel dynamics evolved with the addition of two children, who accompanied them on memorable journeys during their formative years. Now, with an empty nest, Rose and her husband have rediscovered the joy of exploring as a couple, occasionally joined by cherished friends. The love for travel continues to be a constant in Rose's life, weaving an ever-growing tapestry of memories and adventures.

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