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<p>Nowadays <a href="">cnc laser cutting machine</a> ,engraving machine and cnc router are used more and more frequently in many coutries. They do great help in different areas and bring people especially workers great convenience.However,many people do not know how cutting machine works.<br />
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How it works is quite easy. In the back of the <a href="">woodworking machinery</a> there is a 50-watt CO2 laser tube. There are mirrors and lenses, qui get the laser beam, to the yellow lens at point 1 in the picture below. At point 2 There Is a right angle mirror, That redirects the beam to Point 3. At point 3, there is reviews another right angle mirror that point the beam downward. Along with the mirror, there is a lens that focuses the beam to point 4. The lens used That I Had a two-inch focusing distance. You can see there are 3 screws at point 3; the right angle mirror, and lens assembly comes out for cleaning. I do not know why, I was surprised aim laser beam was not enclosed in icts travels. You can see from the top picture is this page, the user is protected that from the working compartment, by the top lid of the machine. The window is coated to protect the user's eyes from stray light laser.<br />
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The beam is moved by around 2 slides. The Y slide is the beam that is entre Point 2 and Point Y. It travels rollers is at point 2 and Y. You can see thesis rollers at the point Y. So this bar travels back and forth, from the front of the machine-to the back. Gezz this sounds so dry and technical! Anyway, the lens assembly, laser gold head, at point 3 is the X-axis. It travels from left to right, rollers is at the point X. These are two slides move with cogged belts, stepper motors are moved with.<br />
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The bed of the laser cutting machine travels up and down one furnace lead screws. One of 'em can be seen at the point Z. These four lead screws are powered by cogged belts That are all powered by one stepper motor. The reason the table moves up and down is so you can focus materials of different thicknesses. The bed of the machines will go down 8 inches, You Had something in box 8 inches thick to be cut or engraved. This comes in handy if you wanted to engrave a trophy, or the back of your boom box.<br />
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Laser cutting machine for me had icts challenges. It that you learn something not how to do in a book at the library! It took a lot of experimenting, I finally got the goal hang of it. Does it take a while to learn all the factoring, for your cuts to be perfect, and repeatable. On Some materials even I did not know what was possible. There are many factoring in using a laser, i would suggest playing with them all, you never know how success is going to happen!<br />
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Anhui Tongxing Technology Development Co., Ltd, founded in 1992, settled in Shuangfeng Economic Development Zone, Changfeng in 2003, is a hi-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D, manufacturing and sales of CNC engraving and milling machine, controlling system, <a href="">woodworking machinery for sale</a> , key parts and other products. Many people have used their cutting machines. They work so good.</p>