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Organ responsible for feelings of hunger and fullness

Submitted by georgepalm on Tue, 12/12/2023 - 05:51

In reality, creating a healthy lifestyle and maintaining it isn’t about just those two factors—it’s also about being able to keep a positive attitude, strong mental health and a healthy moviezwap self-image.

Although there is a ton of advice out there on how to achieve a healthy lifestyle, here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Processed foods are simply not good for you. Most nutritional value is lost in the making of processed foods and the added preservatives are bad for our health.

These foods contain a high amount of salt, which leads to high blood pressure and heart disease. In general, the more ingredients on the label, the more processed the item.

Your brain, not your stomach, is the organ responsible for feelings of hunger and fullness.

If you take your time during meals and eat more slowly, you allow your brain adequate time to send the “full” message to your stomach and allow your food to be fully ingested.

Don’t rely on a clean plate to tell you when it’s time to stop eating. When you prepare meals yourself, you control exactly what goes in to them. This makes it easier for you to make the right healthy choices for your body.