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Yemeni Sidr honey from yemen

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Black seed honey - Get high-quality Aged Winter Edition Royal Yemeni Sidr Honey 200g (Limited Stock) at Get Aged Winter Edition Royal Yemeni Sidr Honey 200g
Taif rose honey from Saudi Arabia - This type honey making in Saudi Arabia Located in Saudi Arabia, Taif is known as the “City of Roses”. More info for this click now
Raw honey in UK - Honoor Honey is 100% Pure, Raw and Unheated, grown in the desolated areas of Yemen where the soil is rich, untouched where there is 0% pollution. Our honey is produced by traditional beekeeping methods with only the simplest tools used
Honoor Honey is 100 percent Unadulterated, Crude and Unheated, filled in the devastated areas of Yemen where the dirt is rich, immaculate where there is 0% contamination. Our honey is delivered by conventional beekeeping strategies with hands down the least complex apparatuses utilized.
No synthetics, added substances, additives, warming cycle or medications have been utilized - totally crude. No apparatus utilized by the same token.
Mainly, the honey bees are not taken care of any sugar dissimilar to any modest store honey. It's a cycle gladly brought out through ages where they use smoke from dried camel skins and cleavers to reap the fluid gold'. This is the way both our honeys are kept unadulterated and don't lose any of its mending powers.
We just need to offer the best quality honey to our clients, the very honey that Honoor use inside our family day to day for ages. We ensure the nature of our honey and deal a discount to any individual who isn't fulfilled.
Partake in your crude Honoor honey insight and let us in on your thought process of each sort in your surveys!
Labels: Yemeni Samar Sumra honey from Yemen, Yemeni Sidr, Yemeni Sidr honey from Yemen, Crude honey in UK, Honey in UK
Get more types Honey –
• Yemeni honey
• Yemeni Sidr
• Yemeni Sidr honey from yemen
• Honey in UK
• Black seed honey
• Raw honey in UK
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