Do it for the kids.
Separation and divorce are tough on everybody involved, and it can be even harder on children. While adults are often struggling to understand what went wrong, the kids often have no idea why their beloved parents are separating and no longer want to live together.
Here we’ll look at a few tips to try and help your children through the process.
Try and Maintain a Civil Relationship
Some relationships end on mutual terms, and some people even remain friends with their ex-partners. For the sake of the children, this is the best-case scenario. However, not every divorce or separation is that congenial.
It won’t always be easy, but the better you can deal with your ex, the better it will be for the children on all levels. He or she may even drive you crazy at times, but if you can just keep thinking about what’s best for the kids, the more civil you’ll be in handling those situations.
Change Should Be Introduced Gradually
Being forced to spend varying amounts of time with each parent separately is one of the toughest things for children (especially very young children) to deal with. The more familiar activities and routines you can keep in the child’s life, the better they’ll cope with the change.
If you’ve since met someone else, don’t be in a rush to move that new partner into your home. This needs to be introduced very gradually if the separation or divorce is in its early stages. Also don’t make plans to immediately move out of the area, effectively taking away everything your children are used to.
Communicate With Them Regularly
Even young children can often understand more than we give them credit for, so the more you communicate with your children, what’s going on and why then the more chance they’ll eventually accept how things are and adapt to the changes.
Even if you despise your ex, your children likely don’t, so it’s not wise to voice your opinions and feelings to them.
Be sure to reassure the kids that they played no role in the breakup, and nothing they did lead to the current situation.
Work Out a Parenting Agreement
This can be done by yourselves, with the help of a mediator or your solicitor. A parenting agreement will determine when the children spend time with each parent, what each parent’s obligations are and, most importantly, what’s in the very best interests of the children overall.
A parenting plan can also help you avoid long, drawn-out court battles regarding custody of the children and visitation rights, and that’s better for everyone.
Seek Advice From a Legal Expert
When it comes to a separation or divorce where children are involved, you really need to seek legal advice more than ever. James Noble Law is your family law expert in Brisbane and surrounding areas. We not only can advise you on your rights under the law, but we can also help you negotiate a parenting plan with your ex-partner. Talk to us today.
Contact the Best Brisbane Family lawyers team at James Noble Law today for a FREE, no-obligation 20-minute consultation. To schedule an appointment with one of our Qualified and experienced Best Family lawyers Brisbane.
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