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Kids Karate Classes Melbourne

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The Winged Dragon Martial Arts Academy is run by Sensei Lucky Pandelidis (MAIA accredited instructor) With over 40 years experience in various martial arts styles, he currently holds a 4th Dan Black Belt in Go Ju Ryu Karate & a 1st Dan Black Belt in MMA. He has been involved in security for many places such as MCG, Flemington Racecourse & Various Night clubs. With all this knowledge he has combined Martial arts and Street Self defence. A 1985 study found that children in martial arts have an increased sense of responsibility. Martial Arts is a system of unarmed combat taught for self-defence, yet so much more is gained from constant training. Karate will improve your health, confidence, respect, discipline, focus and an overall change for the better to the way you live your life. Visit -