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therapistinpbg's blog

Overcome Your PTSD Quickly - Unlocking Rapid Improvements in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

When it comes to therapy, breakthrough moments often play a crucial role in predicting the success of treatment. A fascinating phenomenon known as "Sudden Gains (SGs)" in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is transforming the way we view rapid symptom improvements in Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In this article, we will explore the findings of a study that delves into the world of SGs, their impact on patients, and what this means for the future of PTSD treatment and therapy for Complex Trauma.

Havening – the New Hope for Dealing with Complex Trauma / C - PTSD

In our highly complex minds, traumatic memories can linger for decades, impairing our daily lives. These memories are stored deep inside our convoluted brains and can seem impossible to erase. But there's a new hope coming to the rescue, called Havening. It is a special form of therapy for complex trauma, and is supported by many experts in the field of psychotherapy. 

What to do When Your Child Just won’t Listen!

It’s getting late in the morning, you need to reach your office after dropping off your kids to school, but they just won’t budge! Quite a handful of mothers, whether working or not, experience similar situations where they know that their children need to attend school no matter what but those children refuse to listen to reason. Moreover, despite all the temper – tantrums before reaching school, these same kids come back and declare that they had the best day ever! Infuriatingly relatable, isn’t it?

Virtual Reality: A Blessing or a Gateway to Anxiety?

Virtual reality systems these days are increasingly prominent in fields like entertainment, education, business, and psychotherapy treatments. However, should we universally perceive virtual reality as a positive influence, or are there potential risks, especially for vulnerable individuals? Might there be a need for online therapy for substance abuse, the substance being VR?

Rebuilding Bonds: Estranged Sisters Finding Their Way Back to Each Other Through Relationship Counseling

Sisterhood is a unique and cherished relationship that often forms the foundation of our support systems. However, like any relationship, it can be strained or severed due to a variety of reasons. In my case it was the fact that I would always feel neglected when my family seemed to be taking more interest in the well-being of my sister over me.

Breaking Free: Understanding Co-dependency and Its Treatment

Growing up, I could never imagine living my life without my mother. From shopping for clothes to studying for school, she was always there and I could never do anything without her guidance. But with time came the realization that so much dependence was not an expression of love, rather a warning sign of co-dependency. It took several sessions of online therapy for co-dependency to help me break free from this unhealthy pattern.

How to tackle Depression – One of The Leading Causes of Substance Abuse

Around one-third of individuals diagnosed with major depressive disorder around the World also experience a co-occurring substance use disorder. Depression can heighten the vulnerability to substance abuse because substances can be used as a form of self-medication to temporarily alleviate the profound despair and emotional pain associated with depression, effectively numbing these distressing feelings.
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Not Everyone Struggles with PTSD: Understanding Resilience and Recovery

As the name suggests, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychological condition affecting the brain, which is caused by some traumatic event in an individual’s life. Be it the death of a loved one, or just being witness to a tragedy like war or a natural disater, PTSD can be induced to anyone and have various causes. However, the experience of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can vary from person to person due to a combination of individual, biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Navigating Relationship Issues: The Power of Couples Therapy in Palm Beach Garden

Relationships are complex and beautiful, but they can also face challenges along the way. Relationships are not immune to problems; they are an inherent part of any partnership, causing distress and strain. In these moments, couples counseling emerges as a powerful tool to help them navigate the intricate landscape of their relationship. 


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