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10 Controversial Topics for Academic Papers

Submitted by LyleRedmon on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 06:02

One powerful thing about academia is that it allows people to broaden their minds and think about the bigger picture, at the same time align themselves towards what they believe is right and justify the reason behind their belief, sometimes Informed, sometimes conjectures It's easy to write about Issues and subjects that people generally agree on, but the real challenge lies in expressing views about something which has already divided the society and compels you to take a side.

16 Best Problem Solution Essay Topics

Submitted by LyleRedmon on Tue, 02/06/2018 - 06:46

Some essays or resume seek to resolve a conflict or a challenge by providing solutions to a particular issue. Usually, such essays revolve around the specific question or the argument emanating from the offered problem-solving essay topics. The essay includes stepwise explanations on how to deal With a certain problem by studying the facts of the issue. Sixteen of the best problem» solving essay topics are explained below.

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