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When running away as Ranger, it's all about annoying

In general, the Ranger has a pretty simple playstyle; shoot Dark And Darker Gold
arrows at things, aim for the head, run if things start coming closer, and if they're players then close any doors and place traps while running away. Other than that, it really depends on the player themselves. Pure Spear builds and pure Crossbow builds can absolutely work too, but they require some pretty specific configurations.

Also, as far as stats go, Ranger players should keep an eye out for gear that buffs True Damage, Agility, Max Health, or Action Speed. To finish things off, here are a few more 'general' tips for the class:

Look For The Sneakiest Angles: Half the fun of playing Ranger comes from getting amazing headshots from angles opponents would never expect or be able to react to fast enough. For example, a lot of Rangers like to climb the ladder in the library area and snipe from above since no one looks up often while playing.

Leaving Two Traps In A Row Can Actually Work: When running away as Ranger, it's all about annoying the opponents as much as possible. Leaving Traps in spots they wouldn't expect can cause people to make silly mistakes from pure aggravation. And, one trick that seems to work surprisingly well is leaving two Traps, one right behind the other. More often than not, players chasing will get caught by the first trap, hurriedly release the first Trap so as not to lose their Ranger target, and then they'll take one step forward and get trapped again.

When Running Away, Use The Zone: More often than not, when a Ranger is kiting PvP opponents, it's great to go through the Zone while doing so. Once the Ranger gets back into the safe area, the players chasing after them will be trying to get out of the Zone ASAP and can't afford to be as cautious around corners, etc. Not only that, but if the Ranger just keeps firing at them from the area buy Darker Gold where they're trying to get back to safety, it'll make them panic even more.
Work With The NPC Enemies: And finally, remember that most other classes are almost entirely melee-focused. Because of this, Rangers can simply run around enemies when getting chased by other players, and then quickly turn and fire at the players to lock them down, giving the enemies enough time to aggro onto them.