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Submitted by johnsont on Fri, 07/24/2020 - 03:13

Install Trend Micro Antivirus through and activate it further. In case if your system is not compatible with Trend micro software, then you may find an error in installing it. So, check the compatibility and requirements of Micro Trend for your computer and then install it. Also, check there must not be any conflicting antivirus in the system. If all the condition is well suited with your system then follow below steps to install Trend Micro Antivirus:
Features: SecurityOnline threats protectionEmail scam safetySafe LockPassword managerSmart Protection Server (Standalone)Vulnerability ProtectionChildren’s security on the internet.
Steps to download Trenmdmicro Antivirus
(1) The first step you should make is, enter URL on your browser.
(2) Then go to the trend micro login page.
(3) In case of an existing Trend Micro account, enter registered email and password.(4) If you are a new user, then using link register and create a new trend micro account and then login with it.
(5) Now, choose the subscribed product for your device and download it through trendmicro com downloadme by clicking on DOWNLOAD.
(6) It will automatically start downloading the setup if it doesn’t, then click on the SAVE FILE tab of a new window popup for the Trend Micro Download process.
(7) To download the setup for Trend Micro Australia, visit – download URL.(8) After the complete Trend Micro Download setup, check the folder and microtrend .exe file. Double-tap on this file and install it.
(9) During installation, click on RUN INSTALLATION and enter the Trend micro activation code when it asks to enter the keycode.
(10) Submit the Trend micro activation code and follow on-screen guidelines to complete the installation by accepting the license agreement.
(11) Tap on FINISH and reboot the device to start the first scan.