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Treatment process with Juvederm

Juvederm is injectable dermal filler that involves less discomfort for patients than treatments done with other dermal fillers. The results are more durable. The average patient enjoys a healthier and rejuvenated look on the face for six to nine months. Juvederm is composed only of biocompatible hyaluronic acid. There is a very small risk of it provoking an allergic reaction and other negative side effects.

Preparation for treatment with Juvederm

Patients are advised to stop taking anti-inflammatory medications or aspirin for one to three days before treatment with Juvederm. It is advisable not to use make-up on the day the procedure with Juvederm. A prior allergy test is not required for the procedure; those with a history of severe allergies may not be considered suitable for treatment with Juvederm as marked by Juvederm Houston Specials.

The Juvederm injection process

Juvederm arrives at your doctor's office packed in a ready-to-use sterilized syringe. The smooth consistency of the Juvederm gel makes injections of this product more comfortable for patients .To minimize any discomfort, before administering the Juvederm injections, your doctor will numb the area of the face to be treated with a local anesthetic cream. Juvederm is injected into the middle to deep dermis, which depends on the amount of correction needed. Juvederm Houston Tx is the typical treatment session lasts approximately thirty minutes.

How does Juvederm work?

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for distributing and maintaining moisture and nutrient levels in skin cells. This compound gives volume and smoothness to the young and flexible skin. Over time, the ability of the skin to make its own hyaluronic acid decreases. When injected into the fine lines, wrinkles, furrows or sunken areas of the face, Juvederm replenishes the hyaluronic acid that has been absorbed by the body, giving you a younger appearance.

Juvederm comes in a number of formulas of different concentrations. Juvederm Lip Injections Houston is effective in the treatment of lips and the area of the cheeks. Although Juvederm Houston provides highly visible and long-lasting results, patients with very severe wrinkles or loose skin may be more appropriate candidates for facial plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift or a forehead lift / lift of eyebrows.

Recovery, results, and need for other treatments with Juvederm

After treatment with Juvederm, it is best not to touch unnecessarily or massage the treated area for a few days. Patients who have undergone treatment with Juvederm are also advised by Restylane Houston to avoid unnecessary exposure to heat, cold and sun for two weeks after injections. After treatment it is important to use sunscreen and avoid the use of products containing alcohol.

Some doctors recommend that patients undergo follow-up treatment to fill any line or wrinkle not addressed during the first treatment with Juvederm Lips Houston, but this is rarely necessary. The average patient enjoys the results of a treatment with Juvederm for six to nine months, although some patients have had results that lasted up to a year. In addition, treatment with Juvederm provides more lasting results than those of the Houston Restylane treatment.