Coach is America's biggest homegrown accessories brand, not to mention arguably the world's most important contemporary replica handbags brand, so we always pay attention when there's a new Coach collection to see. That's especially true since creative director Stuart Vevers launched Coach 1941, the company's more fashion-forward and luxurious offshoot, and the Coach 1941 Fall 2016 collection, which just launched on, demonstrates exactly why.
The collection, which includes cheap evening dresses, outerwear and shoes, in addition to the brand's signature bags and leather goods, has notes of the American West, one of Vevers's favorite references during his time at Coach. That influence makes itself visible in the collection's earthy color palette and traditionally Southwestern studding and embroidery. All of that is balanced with more whimsical notes, though, including a very cute illustrated dinosaur named Rexy.
There's a lot to enjoy in the collection, but we whittled our picks down to a cool dozen to get you started. Check out our favorites below or shop the full collection at!
There's a lot to enjoy in the collection, but we whittled our picks down to a cool dozen to get you started. Check out our favorites below or shop the full collection at!