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NHK Hall's mobile deterrent device: Behind the scenes of super-range coverage

With the popularity of smartphones, mobile phone ringtones suddenly sounded during performances and concerts, breaking the audience's immersive experience. To solve this problem, theaters such as NHK Hall have installed mobile phone deterrent devices. How do these devices work? What impact does their installation have on the performance environment? This article will explore the mobile phone deterrent device in NHK Hall and the technical details behind it, while combining the application of mobile phone blockers to reveal its importance in maintaining a quiet viewing environment.

Background of the introduction of mobile phone deterrent devices
The installation of mobile phone deterrent devices in NHK Hall is intended to solve the problem of audiences being disturbed by mobile phone ringtones. NHK Hall Manager Masaharu Inoue said that although audiences are required to turn off their mobile phones before performances, mobile phone ringtones still occur from time to time. In order to further ensure the audience's viewing experience, NHK Hall decided to install mobile phone deterrent devices. This decision is not only to reduce the interference of mobile phone ringtones, but also to adapt to the increasing number of mobile phone users and the increasingly complex communication environment.

How the device works: simulate base station signals
The mobile phone deterrent device blocks mobile phone signals in the area by emitting the same radio waves as base stations. The mobile phone deterrent device in the NHK Hall consists of three antennas, which, when turned on, emit radio waves of the same frequency as the base station but stronger. In this way, the mobile phone will mistakenly think that these signals come from the base station, but these signals do not contain any valid control information, resulting in the mobile phone being unable to communicate with the actual base station, thus displaying a "no service" status.

The principle of the mobile phone deterrent device is based on the communication mechanism between mobile phones and base stations. The mobile phone regularly sends location information to the base station, and the base station responds with control information to keep the mobile phone connected. However, when the mobile phone receives an invalid signal emitted by the mobile phone deterrent device, it will think that it is out of the signal coverage range and cannot receive or send communications.