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Momma possum walking along with a full family

Submitted by courteney on Tue, 07/16/2019 - 03:10

Did you know Mark Wahlberg is the owner of a “popular” chain of burger joints named Wahlbergers?” Also in 1988 he beat the shit out of two Asian men.Try battling one at 3 am that snuck into your kitchen through the kitty door to eat out of the cat bowl. Had me standing on a chair fighting it with a broom for about 45 minsMy friend in high school lived out in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere and his dad lived down the road from that in a shitty double-wide trailer with giant holes in the floors.

Just about every night this possum would climb in through the floor and eat leftover cat food. If you walked out to the kitchen at 2am he would be there, staring at you. Then he’d saunter back to the hole from which he came. We called him Herman.Enjoy these interesting facts every hour on the hour for the low low price of $4.99 each. Please type “slant-eyed g--ks” to unsubscribe.I kind of like it. I got a dog with a super fluffy tail. But underneath his tail is very thin, especially near the end. It feels a bit creepy how thin it gets. And the fact that I can only really feel it and not see it makes me even more uncomfortable. Having a chubby, hairless tail sounds so much better to me. Easier to clean too!I have a herd of rescued fainting goats. It's a sad and horrifying thing to watch. And even worse when you think about the fact they are bred for a specific genetic defect that causes this seizure in their brain. They are bred for it in order to be put out in a field of livestock, in case a predator comes. The goat gets scared, has a seizure, and gets slaughtered. Leaving the livestock alive and able to run away.

Humans are dicksI once worked with a narcoleptic. Dude would straight up just pass the fuck out and start snoring mid-conversation. I know he couldn't control it, but man was it funny sometimes. Your comment reminded me of that. Good times.When I was younger my uncle paid me $5 to put an opossum in a garbage bag cuz it was dead. Well I just recently learned that they play dead, so I really don’t know if it was alive or dead. The thought of me grabbing the tail and it waking up terrifies me.Possum is accepted in the US as meaning opossum. The pronunciation is the same, the o is silent. I like calling them “oh-possums” though...I grew up thinking that was correct. Now it sounds Irish and I want to put a small green hat on them.