The entire Kardashian family loves fendi handbags outlet just about as much as any other celebrities I can think of. While Kim loves her Birkins as much as the next Kardashian, Kris, the matriarch of the family constantly carries Hermès bags; recently we did the math to see how much Kris Jenner's Hermès collection is worth. With that in mind, it's fitting that Kris was the member of the clan to have an entire closet built out just for her gucci replica collection, and we some of the photos of her new handbag heaven.
Earlier this month Kylie Jenner, queen of Snapchat, took to her account to share a look at Kris's Kloset. Inside the perfectly clean, sleek white closet were many of the bags we've seen Kris carry over over the years, in addition to some never-before-seen pieces. Each large shelf has Hermès bags perfectly coupled and placed. There are plenty of Birkins, along with other sought-after bags like the replica breitling Kelly and various clutches from the brand.
The focal point of the walk-in closet is neon sign that reads "Need Money For Birkin" from Los Angeles artist Beau Dunn. This slogan is a joke among handbag lovers and has been for some time; "need money for handbags" has been spotted on profile pages of our PurseForum members for years. The artist knows this sign may cause quite the reaction; it's part of her "Next Generation" collection, that swaps out everyday survival items like food, water and shelter for luxurious alternatives like breitling replica, Botox and breast implants.
Photos of the closet show Beau Dunn posing with her piece. There are also peeks Kylie Jenner shares on her Snapchat, which helps put perspective on all of Kris's Hermès bags in one place. As for the bags, it's extensive. There are classic black Birkins along with plenty of exotics. I'm just hoping someday Kris will let us into her closet to take photos--she's a bag lover like us, after all. It's all so over the top, but we already knew how michael kors replica Jenner loves handbags, so it's really not that surprising.