Hair fall can be one serious beauty concern for the women. In case of any doubt regarding the hair fall they will be apt to find Hair Loss Solution from the internet or from their friends and relatives. But before finding How To Stop Hair Fall the women must ponder over the reason for the hair fall. In most cases it is found that their concerns do not have any basis.
The hormonal imbalances are quite common among the women due to their physiological disposition. During menstruation cycle and during pregnancy the women suffer from hormonal imbalances. Such hormonal imbalance has direct relation with the hair fall as the growth phases of the hairs are affected due to the hormonal imbalances. Many women notice significant hair fall after the child birth. This is due to the fact that during the period of pregnancy their follicles remain in the resting phase. As soon as the child birth takes place the hairs are shed and new hairs are started constructing by the follicles. You must know that the life cycle of the hairs follow some typical pattern. The life of some particular hair varies from three to five years after which the hairs are shed by the follicles. During this period also the hairs pass through three growth phases namely growing phase, transition phase and resting phase. Transition phase is very small period of time when the hairs pass on from growth phase to resting phase. During the resting phase the follicles stop constructing any hair and prepare for shedding the existing hairs.
The estrogen hormone becomes quite high during pregnancy and this hormone controls the growth phases of the hairs. After the child birth estrogen level returns to normalcy. Due to this imbalance the hair falls significantly after the delivery. But such hair fall would need no hair fall solution.