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Gold Buddy Drywashers

Submitted by dredgen on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 22:37

Drywashers are like highbankers but they do not use water. Drywashers are excellent gold mining tools for use in areas where water is not available, such as arid and desert areas. GOLD BUDDY drywashers recover gold using three processes at the same time: Electrostatic concentration occurs because the high-velocity air flowing through the unit creates an electrical charge which attracts and holds gold. The same airflow holds the material in highbanker  suspension allowing the heavier materials to sink under the riffles where it is caught. The Uni-bearing oscillating vibrator shakes the material at the same time, further helping the values to sink. Article: Tips for Using a Drywasher.

If you're wondering exactly how dry your material should be for drywashing, the short answer is very DRY. But exactly how dry is dry? The best test is to take a handful of your material and squeeze it in your hand. If it clumps, it is not dry enough to guarantee the best recovery results. Another thing to  highbanker hopper keep in mind for best results is that you want an even flow of material over the riffle tray. A nice even flow is necessary to allow the heavies to settle to the bottom. This is accomplished by adjusting the box angle and shovel speed. You also might want to classify your material to. 5 inch or 3/8 inch mesh before running it through your drywasher. And be sure to run your metal detector over your header piles to make sure you haven't classified out a nugget or two! Just to be on the safe side, run your detector again on the tailings pile. In fact, old tailings piles can be a literal gold mine! Thousands are out there and are worth testing. The old-timers didn't have metal detectors and fancy drywashers to get it all, so they left a lot of gold for you to recover.

A proven performer through the years, Gold Buddy Drywashers are made in the usa and are designed to deliver years of service. Four new models were redesigned in 2012, so their legendary performance is now even better! Key features include:

• Hoppers & Recovery Boxes: Aluminum hoppers and recovery boxes are precision crafted from aircraft grade aluminum. The newly redesigned recovery box is completely electrically isolated so that the static charge builds quicker, stronger, and does not dissipate quickly. New one gold wash plant  piece recovery tray is completely removable for easy cleanup. All Gold Buddy drywashers have non-conductive links in all the connectors which help the recovery box keep a static charge.