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Gifting Health for Christmas – “Make It or Bake It” with CBD

Make it or bake it with CBD or any CBD hemp flower product is on tap for this holiday season. Everyone has those individuals in their life who have everything, do not need anything and are hard to gift. Well, we have some ideas for you for gifts which they probably do not have. This also will feed the idea to DIY your Christmas gifts this year.

Make It or Bake It with CBD – The Bread of it All
You want to do something different for friends, co-workers or family this year? Well, we have some ideas. Make it of bake it with CBD with this loaf of bread and wrap it up with a bow and gift it. So, let’s look at some recipes.

Hemp Bread

Hemp Zucchini Bread

Ground Hemp Seed Bread

Hemp flour provides a great deal of fiber boost to whatever recipe you add it too. It also has nutrients and medicine because it has CBD content. If you use a CBD hemp flower with high CBD content you have a greater advantage. The only downside may be the taste which you can overcome by the right amount of spices or sugar. To make a ½ cup of hemp flour you need 14 grams of cannabis flower.

Spread CBD hemp flower on a rimmed baking sheet at 240 degrees F for 45 minutes. This process is to decarboxylate the cannabis hemp. When cool, place in a food processor to grind it fine. Store in an airtight container in a cool and dark place until you want to use it. Its shelf life is about three months for best freshness.

Make It or Bake It with CBD – Cookies and Candy
Cookies and all this sweet are a lovely surprise Christmas gift for anyone but particular those who do not have room for any pretty knick-knack but would love to have a plate of cookies. So, let’s get busy and make it or bake it with CBD and whip us up some cookies.
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Energy Balls


The CBD Champagne Cupcakes are the dessert that may trigger more memories with delicious savors. These are delicious and when you make them in an over-sized cupcake pan then it is a gift in itself. If you have a neighbor that you want to dazzle and jazzle with something different and delicious.

Make It or Bake It – CBD Flower Salves
CBD flower salves are relatively easy to home-make it and wouldn’t it be fun to wrap up a small jar of this therapeutic salve to gift this Christmas. There are three main ingredients needed:

A natural wax such as beeswax;
A therapeutic compound such as CBD
A fatty oil base to carry the CBD effectively through the body.

Beeswax is sticky and dense so has to be melted down in order to mold other ingredients into it. The oil has to be used to “carry” the medicine in the salve so that it arrives at the place for healing. Many feel that coconut oil is the best option as it is a healthy fat and it has a high content of fatty acids. Fatty acids interact well with CBD.

Remember that decarboxylation of the CBD flower is still necessary, but it is done a bit differently for this salve. Decide which CBD flower do you want use. The recommendation is always to use one that is as high as possible in CBD content. A suggestion is West Slope Kush CBD Hemp Flower then decarboxylate it and then grind it.

After the flower is ground extremely fine, it is seeped at 200 degrees for several hours in, let’s say for example’s sake, the coconut oil. This is the decarboxylation process so the temperature needs to be exact and for at least three hours because this is the point for the fatty acids to oil-latch onto the CBD and transport it to your body.

The beeswax will already be melted down so the oil solution with the ground CBD flower in it can be folded in. This creates your topical CBD salve. You can add an essential oils if you care to such as lavender or peppermint to enhance the smell.

Make It or Bake It CBD – The Spa Products of it All
CBD gets absorbed more efficiently through skin giving quicker more direct results. So now you have an opportunity to make it or bake it with CBD in a topical CBD balm, oil, or cream might be ideal in some situations and for some ailments. However, if you want to calm localized inflammation you can expose your entire body to it and receive a more systemic effect, have a spa bath.

Bath Bomb Base Recipe
2 C. Baking Soda
1 C Citric Acid
1 ½ C Corn Starch
½ C Epsom Salt
2 - 6 T Water (the amount of water should be added a little at a time)
Drops of gel food coloring if you want a spa ball in color (not necessary)
Drops of Essential Oils if you want a particular smell (not necessary to its success)
CBD oil – 25 mg up to 100 mg of oil per bath bomb. Remember, you are treating your largest organ – the skin.

Mixture Instructions
Combine the dry ingredients and make sure they are lump-free; slowly add the wet ingredients. Mix but do not fully activate the dry ingredients so the bath bombs do not fizz up before bath-time.

Add the wet ingredients slowly while whisking continually. Quell any fizzy area by pulling it in with the rest of the ingredients. Pack the CBD flower bath bomb mix into metal molds, not silicone, so it sustains the pressure needed to pack it in to stick together.

Let the mixture rest in the mold for about 5–10 minutes and un-mold slowly. If you are using an open facing mold, place a cookie sheet over the open surface of the mold and hold the two together tightly. If the CBD flower oil bath bomb cracks or crumbles simply pack it back in the mold with a bit more water.

Make It or Bake It – The “Etc” Options
Spicy Cilano and Hemp Seed Sauce will definitely put an extra snap in those hamburger sandwiches and dribble it over those perfectly grilled hot dogs. This recipe is something that you can make and seal it in a jar with a red bow on top. This is a Christmas gift that will be the best of unique.