When I started PurseBlog over 11 years ago, it was because I absolutely loved replica handbags uk. I remember how excited I got when I’d get to the mall and go into the Coach store or department store to look at bags. I’d tear out ads from magazines with photos of bags from upcoming collections that I was yearning for.
After 11 years of talking about michael kors replica, I’ve found majority of brands wax and wane with popularity, while one year is all about designer X and the following about a different designer. I spend every day looking at bags and while I still truly am a bag girl, I find it harder to narrow in on designs that have my heart going pitter-patter. Part of this is because I now have a substantial collection and the other part is because I see so many bags in person and online daily. But because of this, when I see a replica handbags I absolutely love, I know it right away. It’s that feeling I get deep down in my core that got me started in all of this and has me continuing PurseBlog after all of these years.
I’ve had the intense ‘I love this bag’ feeling happen to me a few times with different colors of this gucci replica handabgs for a while now. Clearly, the bag speaks to me and clearly it’s about time for me to grab one. Amanda and I feel similarly that when it comes to our realm that gucci handbags are top of the game right now. Sure other brands have beautiful handbags, but gucci is a brand I continue to be drawn to.
The Hudson is now a staple for the brand but I’m all kinds of obsessed with this suede version that is exclusive to football shirts sale. The deep purple wine hue is dreamy and perfect for the upcoming fall season. I love the smaller size of this bag and have tried it in store to know that it will carry plenty while not being too large.
Overall, this bag is just good, pretty and I’ve added it to my fall wardrobe wish-list. There are a few other hues (you can shop a good assortment of Chloé bags at Neiman Marcus), but this new color in suede has shot up to the top of my list as a favorite. It’s exclusive to Neiman Marcus so if I end up buying it, we can be bag twins. Shop it via Neiman Marcus for $2,090.