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CCNA Wireless (Cisco Certified Network Associate Wireless) – JOBS & Employment

It is the responsibility of the Cisco Certified Network Associate Wireless professional to crosscheck the basic wireless network operation. The certified expert is responsible for installing and configuring autonomous access points. They should be able to describe the controller-based AP deployment modes. The professional must administer wireless guest networking. They also take care of the basic configuration of Wireless Supplicants and navigate the WCS interface.
The CCNA Wireless professional must understand the Cisco Unified Wireless networks. They should be capable of using the Network Controller and mobility express controller. The professional measures wavelength and power changes. They also identify IEEE wireless standards, RF standards, and regulatory bodies. This certified expert uses an RF signal to carry data.
The Cisco Certified Network Associate Wireless should understand the frequency, phase, RF power, and power levels. They must know the process of reflection, absorption, scattering, refraction, and diffraction. These professionals plan coverage, design, and survey wireless access points. They must have an excellent knowledge of antennas and their characteristics.
Read more: CCNA Wireless (Cisco Certified Network Associate Wireless) – JOBS & Employment