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Before and after limb Lengthening

Submitted by courteney on Thu, 07/18/2019 - 02:51

A surprisingly big portion of people with physical handicaps/severe problems look down on those trying to "get out" of their current situation. I know it's kind of the same for say deaf people, but it really surprises me. If anyone tells them there is a problem with their body, their only emotional defense is to get up in arms as to how they are the same and that they shouldn't change. Maybe it's due to costs of operations and such, people just end up not getting out of it and so find another way to cope. I personally have kinda big problems with my legs so I can understand why one wouldn't change it but at the same time, if I had a way to fix everything I'd do it. That's the entire reason why Icarus flew too close to the sun. Because he had been deprived of his liberty. You see what others can do effortlessly and you want to do it yourself. I'm not proving anything to anyone with those fucked up legs, I already have the will to fight to get them better, the only thing that would better my situation would be proper legs, not "more pride".Basically yes, the crabs will pull down the ones above them in an attempt to climb over them to get out.

On a somewhat related note that's why you should always be very careful when trying to rescue someone drowning in deep water if you are also swimming. A person in that sort of panic can easily overpower, hurt, or even kill their would-be rescuer. I'm a strong swimmer and did some lifeguarding. I had a little middle school girl nearly claw my eyes out and strangle me. Desperate people are insanely strong. Back then, training was to firmly smack a person until cooperative.The girl came out with a black eye and a badly bleeding nose. I was shredded and bleeding like I had tried to rape a male puma.

Little kid gave me a kiss on the cheek and a big hug. Her dad looked over his shoulder and looked really tormented at me as he walked away with her.The deaf community has some...strong opinions. I tried taking ASL classes for a hot minute when I was in college and a large part of these courses were going to deaf events in the deaf community. In all honestly, the deaf community itself by and large turned me away from any continued study of ASL. There were absolutely some pleasant folks, but more often than not I was mocked for missing a sign, for "slurring", and for not being deaf. One particular person accused me of appropriating their culture by attempting to learn ASL and went as far as to repeatedly refer to me as a bigot because I didn't know the sign for something and finger spelled it instead, this was apparently assuming he was less intelligent than me and no explanation of what actually happened was acceptable.