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Shanghai Shangpeng Electric Co.,Ltd

Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:

<strong>Supplier&nbsp;types</strong>:Manufacturer <strong>Supplier&nbsp;</strong><strong>Address</strong>: Shanghai Shangpeng Electric Co.,Ltd <strong>E-mail</strong>: <strong>Telephone number</strong>:(+)+86 021 67109909 <strong>Mobile number</strong>:(+)+86 021 67109909 <strong>Website</strong>: <strong>Certifications</strong>: <strong>Supplier&nbsp;description</strong>: Shanghai Shangpeng Electric Co.,Ltd was established in 1997. SGE is a R & D and production of SF6 gas density detection instruments and other products and provide complete automation control solutions for high-tech enterprises. Professional SF6 Gas integrated solution Provider Our main products are: SF6 density , micro-water measurement system and equipment SF6 decomposition products, purity measurement and analysis instruments SF6 comprehensive tester and infrared imagine apparatus SF6 gas equipment maintenance and maintenance equipment <strong>Buyers, Please&nbsp;let us know,you&nbsp;get the info from ,you can get a&nbsp;Special Discounts.</strong>
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