<p>I have spent the better part of 55 years studying and documenting the early electrical pioneers, and to this day they still can't portray Nikola <a href="https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/2305929/assignments/17363551">Watch Tesla Online</a> properly. It's truly amazing we can spew out movie after movie about comic-strip super hero's but can't provide an authentic platform for this truly amazing engineer and inventor. I like Ethan Hawke, but his portrayal of Tesla is just cringe-worthy! It's a very low budget indie type movie, and frankly they all have been extremely low budget attempts. Tesla's life is truly amazing, what he succeeded in achieving was astounding, and only the likes of Albert Einstein could overshadow him at that period of time in human history. If this is the best they (actors, writers and directors) can do, it would be better they do nothing at all, as it just tarnishes, diminishes and detracts from such a remarkable contributor to mankind. There are really great books that give a far better portrayal and insight into Tesla, one of those being "Tesla: Man Out of Time". It's a great read, and covers his life and trials in depth. It's far more worthy of your time then watching Ethan Hawke turn Tesla into a two dimensional snake oil salesman.</p>
<p><a href="https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=20584989">Watch Words on the bathroom walls Online</a> was an excellent movie that I thoroughly enjoyed. Coming into this film I had very high expectations, seeing it was not going to be your ordinary coming of age film. When I went to go see it, however, it surpassed my original expectations due to the excellent execution.