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Unlisted shares refer to shares of a company that are not listed on a stock exchange. These shares can only be traded in private transactions, and their price is typically determined by negotiations between buyers and sellers. Investing in unlisted shares can be more risky than investing in listed shares because they are less regulated and have lower liquidity. This means that it may be harder to sell the shares if you need to and the price may fluctuate more.
LAVA is a mobile phone manufacturing company based in India. While it has been successful in the past, its future performance and growth potential are difficult to predict. Investing in LAVA unlisted shares may be beneficial if you have done thorough research on the company's financials, management, market share, and future prospects. You should also consider your risk tolerance and investment objectives before making any investment decisions.
You May directly visit Planify Capital official website & download application to know about LAVA financials and company info. You will also get daily notification about LAVA share price by subscribing on Planify. Visit:-